It is a machine and equipment used for laser material processing, with large welding depth and high welding quality. Although the welding effect of laser welding equipment is very good, if it is not operated properly, hot cracks or cold cracks may also occur. So how do welding cracks occur in laser welding equipment?

1. Metallurgical Factors

The unbalanced rapid heating and rapid cooling of laser welding make the whole joint in a complex stress state, which constitutes the mechanical factor of joint cracking; Laser welding is the synthesis of a series of unbalanced processes. In the process of rapid metallurgical solidification, there will inevitably be uneven component distribution and hardened structure with low crack resistance, which constitute the metallurgical factors promoting crack initiation.


2. Mechanical factors

  Laser welding machine There are three kinds of cracks during welding: product crack, liquefaction crack and reheat like crack. The crystal crack is related to the non-uniformity of the composition in the macro region of the weld. The central area of the weld is the place where the liquid phase crystallizes late. The columnar crystals on both sides of the weld meet here. At the same time, a large number of impurities with low melting point also accumulate here to form centerline segregation, which reduces the bonding strength at this place. Under certain mechanical conditions, cracks occur at this place.

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